Welcome to Milton Keynes Childrens Contact Centre (MKCCC) 

We currently have places for new families.  

We are a ‘not for profit’ volunteer-run organisation that provides a safe space for families who are in need of supported contact. We are based at The Rowans Family Centre in Fullers Slade, Milton Keynes. We are open on alternate Saturdays 10:30am-1.00pm.

As a purely volunteer run service, we have no paid staff, please be patient when contacting us. We will respond as quickly as possible but it will usually take several days as we can only preform administrative tasks as volunteer time allows.

Please note we do not provide supervised contact. Please look in the About section for the definition of supported and supervised contact. If you are unsure, please contact us. If you do require supervised contact please call Ward Andrews on 01908 241441.  

Our fees are: 

£20 administration fee (non refundable) is required at the time the referral is made.  

£15 for each contact session thereafter

If you are not working and in receipt of benefits please speak to the coordinator and they can discuss affordability with you in confidence.   

Anyone can make a referral. We are able to assist with supported contact and handovers as per court orders and personal requests. 

To use our service please complete the referral form and make a payment of £20 (bank details are:

Sort code 40-12-19
Account number 41477420

Please use the child(rens) surname as a reference.  This charge covers the cost of making sure our service is suitable and safe for visiting families, especially the children. We would ask that if the contact has been court-ordered that you please attach the relevant court order. Do not be put off by the formality of the referral form. Complete it as fully as you can and if you need help, please contact us. The most important details are the contact details of both parents or their representatives.